What should you do if you are in a Car Accident?

When you are injured you are faced with many important decisions regarding how you will handle your car accident injury claim.  The most common issues that you will have to decide are outlined and discussed below:

  • Call the Police:  First you need to call the police and report the accident so the facts of the accident and the defendant and insurance information can be documented.
  • Get Witness Information:  Get the contact information for any witness and ask them to stay until the police arrive.  Witnesses on the police report will be documented as real witnesses and can help the police officer know who is at fault in the accident.  However, our office will get the recorded statement of any witness to help establish liability in your claim.
  • Take Photographs of the property damage and accident scene:
  • Get Medical Treatment:   If you need emergency treatment, then you may need to let the ambulance take you to the hospital.  Our office can be a resource to help you find good doctors that will provide outstanding treatment and documentation.  The most important thing to remember is don’t delay in seeking the medical treatment you need because any gap in care will be used by the adjuster and their attorneys to argue that you were not really hurt or that the treatment isn’t related to the accident.
  • Hire an Injury AttorneyIt is critical that you hire an experience injury attorney as soon as possible after your accident.  It doesn’t cost any more to have our protection from the beginning of the case rather than near the end, but it will a huge difference in how smoothly and quickly your claim is resolved and will greatly increase the value of your claim.

How do you find the right Atlanta personal injury attorney?

I’m, Richard S. Griffin, of 877-PAIN-LAW.  My Atlanta personal injury law firm has been successfully handling personal injury cases for nearly 20 years.  I think the best way to select a personal injury lawyer is to review the following:

(1)          Client Reviews,

(2)          Legal Awards, and

(3)          Settlements and Verdicts.

This will allow you to know that the lawyer you are considering will be able to provide the best customer service while delivering the best possible result.

Free Consultation:  Call my PAIN LAW attorneys today at 877-PAIN-LAW for your free consultation so we can explain how we can help you get the recovery that you need and deserve.